A fraudulent website (http://cbse.support/sp) has been circulating CBSE sample papers for the ongoing Class 10 and 12 board exams and charging users money to get the papers.

30 sample papers have been circulated on the fake website For the Class 10 and 12 exams. Additionally, it has been claimed that only these sample papers would be used for the CBSE board exams. The website and the sample papers, however, are bogus, as per CBSE.

In this context, CBSE has requested that all responsible stakeholders exercise extreme vigilance and refrain from using any website links or communications.
The CBSE's official website, cbse.gov.in, hosts free access to all of the sample papers for Class 10 and 12. The Board does not charge any parents or students for downloading sample papers.

Below is a link that will take you directly to the CBSE’s urgent public notification. Students can, however, view the official notice at https://www.cbse.gov.in/cbsenew/cbse.html

CBSE: Most Urgent Public Notice

Hence, if students come across any relevant material online, they are recommended to always double-check it on the board's official website.